Who Am I?

Who Am I?

WARNING: If you get offended by inappropriate language, hilariously rude or sarcastic comments, or anything that isn't coated in candy you probably should stop right here and hit the back button. I have a tendency to use vivid language when writing about something I am so passionate about. And, what are we Mom's more passionate about than our children? This blog is all about my journey to not giving a damn what other people think. If you are still reading : AWESOME :) but you can't say I didn't warn you!

If you are seeking the truth in it's most raw, unedited, uncaring, couldn't-give-a-shit-less form, well you, my dear, are in the right place! And if you are one of those Mom's who, like me, flipped "normal" the bird, bravo my fellow bad-ass Autism Mom! And WELCOME!
...So who am I?
I am Mom to 2 incredible little boys. My Rainbow Rider is almost 7, and my little sweet one is almost 2.My husband, kids, and I reside in the good ol' state of Virginia. At the present moment I am 27 years young and I've decided I'm done growing up ;).
We hang out on the not-so-traditional side of Autism. Yes, of course, my son does speech, OT, special classes, other stuff here and there, but we have boycotted the idea that he needs "recovery" or "reversing". In fact, if a therapist were to come at us using those 2 words I'd tell them to get the hell out of my house! We embrace the beauty of Autism. The individuality that encompasses the very person he is. We celebrate triumphs, no matter how big or small. We laugh, we LOVE, we play... we LIVE!

I hope you guys keep checking back! If you like what you see please feel free to like and contact me on facebook or leave a comment here. I will absolutely respond to you! Promise!

Oh and by the way, please share my blog with anyone and everyone. You never know who could use a little advice in the Autism department.

And remember...

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