This is the story of my life as a Mom to 2 little boys. The smiles, the laughter, the screw-ups, the growing pains - this is my journey. I am an Au-some Autism Mom. My oldest boy is my Au-some Rainbow Rider (aka Autistic)and my youngest boy is whatever the new politically correct term for "typically developing" is. This blog is my perspective from the passenger seat, cruising down rainbow road (aka Autism)! Feel free to read, share, and keep checking back for more!
Late Night Awesomeness Party and a Veggie Tale Marathon - Bed Time Is For The Birds!
We are quickly approaching the 14th episode of Veggie a row.... and while I love the cute little singing veggies, I'm finding the more I watch the more annoying Bob and Larry's voices are becoming.
Anything for my little guy though!
Tomorrow my little Rainbow Rider will have his second ever sleep deprived EEG. He had his first when he was just 2 years and 9 months old (yes, I'm that mom who kept track of age by months lol). That was such an awful experience! He didn't understand what they were doing, he HATED having his hair touched, and he was really tired... combine all 3 of those and you'll get the massive meltdown that ensued while attempting to put the electrodes on his little head. Finally, he was restrained in one of those burrito type Velcro jackets, he fought for about 30 more minutes and then he was out! Sleep during the EEG was a success, and I was so thankful because for a few moments I was beginning to wonder if he would fall asleep.
For those who might not know, an EEG is short for electroencephalogram. An EEG records electrical activity in the brain. The Neurologist reads the waves and can make a determination from the electrical activity as to whether or not a person is having seizures. Waves are recorded by placing electrodes to the scalp with this putty, pasty gunk. Then they will dim the lights in the hopes that the patient will fall asleep. The best time to catch abnormal brain activity is when the brain is transitioning from awake to asleep.
So for my Rainbow Rider we have to stay up until midnight and then wake back up at 5am. I'm not typically a big coffee drinker, but I have a feeling tomorrow I will develop a new love for the magic mommy drink! Tonight though, we are busy celebrating our total awesomeness by staying up late, watching TV, coloring, and NO BED TIME ALLOWED! (I've had to wake him up twice now lol, my sweet boy can't hang!) Back to the EEG - My little guy is much older now, so I highly doubt he will have the same huge meltdown as he did before. One thing that makes me hopeful is his last MRI. It was obviously sedated because, after all, he is still a child. In his loopy frame of mind he was absolutely convinced the MRI machine transformed him into Frankenstein for just a little while until the machine shut off. He was such a good patient, laying completely still because he didn't want to mess up the doctor's experiment.
Oh to live in his little mind for just a day! I bet it's AWESOME in there!
I'm sure he will do fine tomorrow
. He is very interested in science. I imagine the hardest part will be getting him to stop asking the EEG tech a million questions and try to fall asleep. Well, the time for sleep is upon us, and this Mom doesn't need to be told twice! Good night all! Cross your fingers for us tomorrow!!!
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