I read a blog the other night written by Jim Walter, the Father of a Rainbow Rider. It was a letter for his little girl on her graduation day. The post brought me to tears, not just because it was so incredibly beautiful...but also because every single word, every sentence, every paragraph was pulled straight from this man's heart - from his hopes, his dreams - and put on display for the entire world. Just think about it... one day she will have the opportunity to read this letter and she will experience the unwavering, unconditional, and unbreakable love her father has had for her since before she could even remember. It's a beautiful thought.

Imagine on the darkest of dark days, opening up an envelope or a new tab on your web browser and being reminded of the love, hope, and encouragement you've lost somewhere along the way. A simple reminder to bring it all back. Or for you kids to realize the indubitable love you've always felt for them, in a way they've never experienced before. I can't think of any greater gift.

My Sweet Boy,
Let me start by telling you, you are my light. My guide. You taught me what it was to truly live, to truly love. You continue to teach me so much every single day. No matter how cruel the world has been to you, you rise every morning ready to face it all over again. You are a perfect personification of courage. I love you, I'm proud of who you are, more than you could ever know, I'll always be here. You are everything to me and everything I am is because of you and your brother.
I know life has not been easy for you. Life has given you many challenges, ones which a heart like yours never deserved. I don't know why this is and I will never be able to understand it. If it were up to me, you would never know the pain and hardships you've endured. If I could have taken it off of your shoulders, I would have willingly and joyfully carried it for you. But, by the time you read this, I'm sure you know life doesn't work like that.
I wish, for even just a moment, you could see yourself through my eyes. You would see how incredibly proud I am of you. You would see the light that has been my guide for so long, that beautiful radiating light that shines from within you. If you could see yourself the way I see you, you would understand that there isn't a single word in any language that could accurately describe how remarkable you are.
Every milestone met, every goal accomplished, every boundary surpassed has been because you are relentless, because you are unstoppable. Never forget that you are always able!

You were my gift! You are my gift every day of my life, forever!
I love you all the way around the world and back,
Your Mom
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